Basket weaver

Basket weaving is the process of weaving or sewing pliable materials intro two or three dimensional artifacts like mats or containers. Basketry is made from a variety of fibrous or pliable materials, anything that will bend and form a shape, such as pine, straw, stems, animal hair, grasses, etc. It is one of the widest…

Mattress Repairer

A mattress repairer or maker makes and sells mattresses and especially repairs them. When a mattress was very old, people did not buy another one but called the “mattress maker” to repair it. Sleeping in mattress has its origin in the Arabs, and was adopted by Europeans in the crusades. Early mattresses were made of…


A milkman or milkwoman is a person who delivers milk directly to customers’ houses, in bottles or cartons. They would often also deliver other dairy products such as cheese and butter. Milkmen used first to deliver in horse-drawn vehicles that later were replaced by electric vehicle called a milk float.There are multiple factors that affected the disuse of this job,…

Log Drivers

Log divers moved logs from a forest to sawmills and pulp mills downstream using the current of a river. It was the main transportation method of the early logging industry in Europe and North America. Log divers existed more than five centuries ago, and it disappear in the 50’s, when roads and new means of transportation made…


Scribe is a person who writes or copies by hand written material. They were highly employed before the printing was invented. This profession is found in any possible literate culture and in its early beginning it was not only about copying books, but also developing secretarial and administrative tasks. Scribes would take dictation and the record on business,…

Professional Mourner

The work of the profesional mourners is to attend funerals to cry, weep and lament someone’s dead.